Commissioner Insights to the
State of Broadband
Insights are written by current Commissioners to provide their personal perspective on the global state of broadband. Each year, Commissioners submit their views to be reflected in the annual flagship report. The views expressed in these contributions are those of the Commissioner and do not reflect the opinion of the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development.
State of Broadband 2023
Digital Connectivity: A Transformative Opportunity

Novartis Foundation: CARDIO4Cities – an innovative cardiovascular (CV) population health approach
The Novartis Foundation implemented an innovative cardiovascular (CV) population health approach, CARDIO4Cities¹ codesigned with local authorities and partners. It rapidly improved blood pressure control rates

America Movil (AMX): Weaving the Recovery in Rural Mexico
The SDGs are a global compact to reduce poverty and create a better world. America Movil (AMX) is committed to these objectives. It has numerous

Smartpur – digital village with a real-life impact
At Nokia, we create technology that helps the world act together. Our Smartpur project in India demonstrates what this looks like in reality. Smartpur is
State of Broadband 2022
Accelerating Broadband for New Realities

A model policy for child online protection
As the ambition for universal connectivity becomes a norm, national states and multilateral organizations turn their minds to the protection and participation of children. After

Digital Transformation in Africa
Smart Africa is a Pan-African organization entrusted with the Digital Transformation Agenda of Africa with the vision to transform Africa into a single digital market

The global digital transformation
As stated in the State of Broadband report 2022, there are two key requirements to accelerate the transition to a more connected post-pandemic world: A progressive digital sector regulatory environment to incentivise the required infrastructure investments along with globally aligned efforts and harmonized policies to connect the unconnected.
Previous insights

New online tool aims to help lower-income countries leapfrog AI-enabled health solutions
The Novartis Foundation has launched a free online assessment tool to help countries identify where to best invest resources to enable successful deployment of AI solutions in health. The tool translates the 2020 report from the Broadband Commission Working Group on Digital and AI in Health, Reimagining Global Health through Artificial Intelligence…

The Carlos Slim Foundation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
To support the most vulnerable population in the wake of the pandemic, the Carlos Slim Foundation (CSF) started a comprehensive program aimed at supporting national institutes of health and state government’s efforts to provide…

KT to take the lead in ESG management with ABC (AI, Big Data, Cloud)
KT declared a transformation into a digital platform company (Digico) and implementing ABC technologies to solve environmental and social issues by promoting ESG management…

Korea’s infectious disease control and prevention of COVID-19
Following this positive outcome, the world has been paying attention to Korea’s case and the government has summarized the key factors of successful response as 3T system on the basis of ICT. Among the 3Ts, tracing is the most pivotal, given it helps early detection to prevent additional spread.

Building resilient connectivity and supporting affordable access to the internet: initiatives and lessons learned
The Internet Society has been deploying efforts over the years to grow the Internet and make it stronger. To help build the Internet, the Internet Society has been a strong supporter of Internet exchange points (IXPs) since 2008.

The role of geostationary satellite networks in meeting the rural connectivity challenge
In order to close the digital divide, we must work to integrate satellite backhaul into strategies to deploy mobile and Wi-Fi networks into rural and remote communities.
The ideas and opinions expressed in these insights are those of the authors; they do not necessarily reflect those of ITU and UNESCO or the Broadband Commission. The mention of specific companies, products or services does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITU or UNESCO or Broadband Commission in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.